Essay on National Youth Day

Essay on National Youth Day – Let’s begin with the essay.

Essay on National Youth Day

‘National Youth Day’ is celebrated in India on 12th January every year. This day marks the birth day of great Indian philosopher, Swami Vivekananda. Indian Government declared January 12th as the National Youth Day in 1984 and since 1985 the event is celebrated in India every year

Short Essay on National Youth Day.


Swami Vivekananda was born on 12 January 1863 in Calcutta. His original name was Narendra Nath Datta. His father, Vishwanath Datta, was an attorney at the Calcutta High Court. His mother, Bhuvaneswari Devi, was a devout housewife. The teachings of Swami Vivekanand are the biggest philosophical asset of the country.

The motto of declaring youth day on the birth date of this philosophical guru was motivating and inculcating these pious ideals to the coming generations. As per the quote from the Government of India’s Communication, “it was felt that the philosophy of Swami ji and the ideals for which he lived and worked could be a great source of inspiration for the Indian Youth”.

National Youth Day is observed with great devotion towards Swami Vivekananda at headquarters of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission as well as their branch centers. At various places mangal arti, homa, meditation, devotional songs, religious discourses and sandhya arti are held on this day. The National Youth Day is also observed in almost all educational institutes of the country with great enthusiasm. 

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Biography of Swami Vivekananda

Narendranath Dutta (Vivekananda) was born is Shimla Pally, Kolkata, West Bengal, India on January 12 , 1863 as the son of Viswanath Dutta and Bhuvaneswari Devi. He showed a precocious mind and keen memory when he was young,. He practiced meditation at an early age. While at School, he was    good at studies, as well as at games of various kinds.

In 1879, Narendra entered the Presidency College, Kolkata for higher studies. After one year, he joined the Scottish Church College, Calcutta and had studied philosophy.  During the course, he studied western logic, philosophy and history of European nations.

He was the first Indian to be invited to accept the chair of Oriental Philosophy at Harvard University. Vivekananda Vidyapith Academy of Indian Phiulosophy and culture in NJ. USA, is named after him. The Swami Vivekananda international Convention Centre, inaugurated in April 2005 in Pailles, Mauritius, is also named after him. He died at the age of 39 on July 4 1902 at Belur Math near Kolkata.  

National Youth Policy

The Youth in India have always been in the forefront. Be it in our struggle for freedom or our quest for development, youth have played a fundamental role. The National Youth Policy was adopted in 1988 and various schemes were introduced to  cater to the needs of youth. These schemes aimed not only on the personality and skill development of youth, but also endeavoured to involve  them in community based nation- building activities so that they could become catalysts of change and development.

The New National Youth Policy recognizes four thrust areas namely,  Youth Empowerment, Gender Justice, a Multi Sectoral Approach and emphasis on information and Research Networks. It has identified the key areas of youth concern like education, training and employment, health , environment, recreation and sports, art and culture, civics and citizenship, science and technology so that attention could be focused on these areas. The new Youth Policy also endeavors to attach precedence to the needs of the underprivileged and marginalized.

Youth Empowerment

Youth empowerment is an attitudinal, structural , and cultural process whereby young people gain the ability, authority , and agency to make decisions and implement change in their own lives and in the lives of other people , including youth and adults.

The major thrust of our new National Youth Policy is Youth Empowerment. This is being achieved through various initiatives taken by both the Government and Non- Governmental Organizations.

The reduction of the minimum voting age from 21 to 18 in the year 1989 and a legislative measure taken in 1992 providing for reservation of one third of the seats to women in the village administrative units called Panchayats have enabled young men and women to influence the decision – making process in the country. Youth Participation in the decision – making bodies has been considerably enhanced by these decisions.

It has been rightly recognized that access to education and training has to be amplified so that youth can develop their competencies. The National Policy of Education (NPE) 1986, has provided for designing both formal and non- formal education programmes involving youth.

Opportunities for Youth

Efforts are being made to provide youth with many opportunities to develop their skills, capabilities, personality and become good citizens of the country. Youth in India today, are much more sensitized than before and there is a growing demand for recognition of their rights.

Students are encouraged to take up programmes on education, health, community   services etc. on a voluntary basis through their participation in  schemes like the National Service Scheme, National Cadet Corps and Bharat Scouts and Guides etc.  Student youth of these organizations participate in the  nation building process, taking up special programmes on literacy. HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, environment enrichment etc. in addition to these schemes, we also have a number of student youth associations and youth wings, who also have a number of student youth associations and youth wings, who also take part in nation building activates.

Like wise, the not – student youth in the villages are mobilized through the network of Youth Clubs affiliated to the Nehru Yuva Kendras. It is estimated that about 8 million youth are participating in various activates through over one- lack sixty thousands youth clubs of the Nehru Yuva Kendras. In addition , India is fortunate to host of Non Governmental Organizations, to support youth programmes.

The government of India has launched schemes to promote Adventure, National Integration, provide assistance for training of youth in skill development etc. it also supports the Youth Hostel Movement. There are 50 Youth Hostels already functional in the country, motivating young people to travel to places of historical, cultural and educational interest.

To encourage training, research, guidance and documentation for youth work and programmes, a national level apex agency, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development has been established at Sriperumpudur near  Chennai to act as an agency for youth programmes, policies and implementation strategies.


 Leadership, discipline and citizenship cannot develop automatically nor these qualities be acquired once character is formed. These qualities have been inculcated by proper training during the impressionable year of youth. Vivekananda advised the youth to move forward. His words were: “Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached”.

Great leaders and philosophers have expressed that the plight of the country can be changed only by making its youth become sensitive to the problems to the nation. Sincere, strong and vigorous youth, as Swami Vivekananda   considered, are the backbones of nation. Swamiji had unlimited faith in the youth. The nation’s youth are is most precious and latent resource. It is necessary to organize them and channelize their energies towards desirable goals for national development. 

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. When is National Youth Day is celebrated?

Ans. National Youth Day is celebrated on 12th January every year.

Q2. Why is National Youth Day celebrated on 12th January?

Ans. It marks the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.

Q3. What is the population of youth in India?

Ans. The population of Youth in India is about 350 million.

Q4. How youth can be helpful in the growth of a country?

Ans. Youth can give their valuable inputs in different sectors which can ultimately lead to the growth of a country.

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