Essay on why reading is important in English

Essay on why reading is important :- Let’s begin the essay.

Essay on why reading is important

Reading relaxes your mind, body and soul. Sitting comfortable on a chair or sofa and opening yourself to the world of books can do wonders. Books are truly a man’s best friend. Reading books not only improves a person’s knowledge and wisdom but it also gives a sense of pleasure.

Millions of life has been changed by books. There are so many topics through which a person can choose to read. You can read virtually through your computers or physically by the way of books, magazines or newspapers. A book takes you to different places and gives you different kind of feeling which you might have never experienced.

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” Sir Richard Steele

Great learned men wrote there expertise and their understanding of life in form of books. We learn and understand a great deal of things by reading. This is why it is advised to read every day to learn something new and sharpen your brain every day.

As said by English author Bacon “reading makes a full man”.

You may be sitting on your comfortable and cozy chair and reading in the eyes of the world, your reading may take to a different zone or a different place, suddenly sitting in the room temperature you may feel chill because of the description of a cold place mentioned in your book.

That’s the power of reading; it can even give you tears while your outside world is completely normal, you get so much associated with the character that the pain and joy of the character becomes your pain and joy.

While everyone in the room is quite suddenly you start laughing loudly out of nowhere and they find it’s because of the humor in your book. This is why books are considered ones best friend it makes you laugh out loud or can even make you cry or make you tensed the way your best friends do.

You can never be alone if have something you like to read. You can read magazine, books, novels, newspaper etc. but one should read something on a regular basic, reading is really very good exercise for mind.

Essay on the Importance of Reading

In order to enjoy reading you have to find a peaceful environment, a place where there is no disturbance where you can easily enjoy your book without any tension or noise or anyone nagging or distracting your focus towards your reading.

Once you find a perfect place and you are completely focused towards your reading then only you can enjoy the pleasure of reading. This is the reason many people loves to read during midnight or early in the morning, when the environment is automatically peaceful and nice.

Reading can also be enjoyed at public places. Many people travel with their books and whenever they are free they open there book and are transformed into different world far away from reality.

The advancement of technology and development of e-books and e-book reading devices have greatly helped book lovers. You no longer have to physically carry a book; you can store it in your cell phone or laptop which you carry daily while you travel.

Reading Is A Good Habit Essay

Top 10 reasons on why reading is important and why you should reading

  1. Reading is food for the brain. In my opinion, this is the biggest reason why reading is important. Just like how our body needs food to sustain itself and function optimally, our mind needs to keep on learning new things to operate at peak performance.

    The best part is that you can read fiction and non-fiction to get this benefit. Studies have shown that reading has the capacity to change your brain structure which makes you more empathetic and enhances cognitive processes.

    By studying more, you become smarter because you’re consuming a lot of information and you keep your brain in top form.
  1. You become better in conversations. Novels help expand your vocabulary that you may then use to express yourself .Your address will then be more refined and intelligent.

    Also, since studying widens your knowledge, you are empowered to participate in an interesting conversation. With the knowledge you gained from reading, you may add a unique perspective or sustain your argument.

    In cases like this, reading non-fiction can be better because you can learn about subjects that appear more often in a normal conversation like technology. But there are also cases where reading fiction can be better like when there is a new popular movie out based on a book and you read the original source material.
  1. You can get mentored by a successful person for a very inexpensive price. Consider how much a successful individual’s knowledge is worth. People are willing to pay millions to have lunch with Warren Buffett. If you’re a normal person like me, you do not have that kinda money. But with books, you can get mentored by a successful individual for less than $50.

    A publication is literally the exact words, ideas, mindsets, advice, as well as the experience of the writer put into a group of papers. It is almost like if the individual is right there alongside you speaking to you. 75 percent of self made millionaires reported they read at least 2 books a month. The knowledge you can get from studying is irreplaceable.
  1. Reading improves your focus and concentration. In our fast paced world today, our attention spans are really short. Reading a book can help fix this because when you read, your attention is only focused on the story and you may be fully immersed.

    You might even achieve a flow state where you’re 100% concentrated and forget about the world around you. Try reading for 10-20 minutes before work on your morning commute and you may find yourself more focused and productive at the office.
  1. Reading opens your mind. As a reader, you will interact with different stories from different people with different ideas and beliefs. This helps open your brain and be more accepting of others as well as improve your ability to judge other people’s character.
  2. Reading helps relax you. When you’re reading something good, your mind is more relaxed and the topic you are reading about might even bring inner peace. If you’re reading fiction, as you may not be fed the pictures and sound like when you’re watching a movie, you can experience the pictures and sound with your imagination. The feeling you get from finishing a book can be better than the feeling of finishing a Netflix episode.
  3. Reading helps improve your memory. Whether you’re following your favorite character through their journey or remembering tips on the best way to make more money, you will be using the memory area of your brain and keep it active. When you should remember something important, it will be easier. Every new memory you create generates synapses or brain pathways and strengthens existing ones so memorizing will get easier.
  4. Reading helps you make decisions better. When you are armed with all sorts of knowledge, making a choice can be easier since you find all possible options. It is possible to make educated guesses on how each choice will play out and pick the one you like best.
  5. Reading can help you sleep better. It can be tough to sleep when there’s a lot of things happening in your mind. Reading for a short time period can help push away what is bothering you internally. Also, we often use electronics late at night that don’t help us sleep better because bright lights indicate our brain its time to wake up. Reading a book instead can help but be sure to put it down once it’s time to sleep.
  6. You become who you are supposed to be. This is somewhat cheesy but by studying, you can change your character or beliefs. Books open up completely new worlds for us to grow and develop as a person.

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