Essay on Mid Day Meal Scheme

Mid Day Meal Scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme whose main objective is to provide hot cooked nutritious food to the students of classes 1 to 8.

Also, it can help in increasing the enrollment in backward area schools. People start sending their children to schools that maintain even enrollment. 

Essay on Mid Day Meal in English


Essay on Mid Day Meal

The third impotent aim is to spread equality and harmony in the minds of the children with the same seating arrangement.

The Mid-Day Meal Scheme is very helpful in fighting malnutrition among the children of backward and poor areas of ​​the country. 

I am working as a mid-day meal coordinator in my district and have seen these results positively at the grassroots level. I hope this answer satisfies your curiosity.

Essay on Mid Day Meal

In India, the ‘Mid Day Meal Scheme is formed for the school children to enhance interest in school going students of the development of the education in the society. Under this scheme, the school children get the opportunity of food in school in midday period.

The mid-day meal system is very beneficial for government school children, particularly in primary schools and middle school children. This scheme is also found in Aanganbari children.

Under this scheme, the food materials are supplied by the govt. in government schools. Mid-day meals and food are cooked by cook-maid, particularly by women cook. Mid-day meal scheme is very beneficial for poor government school children.

It is also important for the growth rate of education in the country. In recent days, it is necessary to eradicate the evils of Mid Day Meal Scheme. Then this scheme could be beneficial for school-going children.

Essay on Mid Day Meal (250+ Words)

The Mid-day Meal Scheme is a school meal programme of the Government of India designed to improve the nutritional status of school-age children nationwide.

The Government of India initiated the National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education on 15th August 1995. The facility is available only for schools that have a secular policy for admissions.

It seeks to address issues of food security, lack of nutrition and access to education on a pan nation scale. The main objective of the MDM Programme is to boost the universalisation of Primary Education.

The programme supplies free lunches for children in primary and upper primary classes in government, government-aided, local body and alternate innovative education centres, Madarsa supported under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.

The Midday Meal Scheme is covered by the National Food Security Act, 2013. The MDM Scheme has many potential benefits, attracting children from disadvantaged sections especially girls, Dalits and Adivasis to school.

It improves regularity, nutritional benefits, socialisation benefits and benefits to women. It also promotes a feeling of oneness and secularism amongst various different religions and cultures.


Children are getting low quality and insufficient food hence there is lack of nutrition. Corruption is involved in the delivery system. Fake enrolments are being done to embezzle money.

Lack of monitoring is the biggest problem. Government agencies are not doing the monitoring. The only solution to this problem is to focus on the quality of food served as well as regular monitoring should be done.

Mid Day Meal Paragraph

The Midday Meal Plan is a Government of India school meal program designed to improve the nutritional status of school children across the country. 

The program provides free lunches on weekdays for children in the primary and upper primary in the government, with the help of the government, local agency, Education Guarantee Scheme and alternative innovative educational centres.

What are the concept, relevance, beneficiaries and functions of mid-day meal programs in India?

The objective of the mid-day meal program is to increase the attendance of students in schools. And of course enrollment in schools.

  • It has also been successful to a large extent.
  • Enrollment has increased
  • Student attendance improved.
  • The literacy level has increased rapidly since its implementation.

Current issues now

  • There is a problem of corruption in the scheme. Which is a perpetual problem here in India. We have heard about the world’s most brutal mafia gangsters who are not involved in certain types of crimes like drug trade, crimes against women etc. But our miscreants have not spared even the children. The mid-day meal is often sold in the market without being given to the children. Truly a heinous crime!!
  • Attendance has increased but the quality of education has not improved. Mostly because of the appointment of politicians and kin as teachers in government schools.

Mid Day Meal Paragraph (100 Words)

The midday meal scheme is one of the greatest schemes in our country. The motto of the scheme is ‘Eat together, learn together.

It is the scheme for the students of primary and upper primary school. The teachers and students are involved in the scheme.

It is to bring every child of the country under the purview of compulsory education in school. The scheme is jointly organised by the Government of India and the state Governments.

The scheme has helped in checking the dropout rates in poor rural areas. Self-help groups are engaged to look after the daily works of cooking and serving.

Kitchen sheds have been built up, utensils are distributed and LPG connections have been installed in the school.

No doubt it is a good move for the students. It will help to eradicate illiteracy from our country.

Mid Day Meal Paragraph (250 Words)


The concept of the mid-day meal scheme is not new in India as its roots can be traced back to a pre-independence era when the British administration initiated a Mid Day Meal Programme for disadvantaged children in Madras Municipal Corporation in 1925.
Like this many such programmes were initiated in different states. In 1953, the Government of Uttar Pradesh started another such scheme.

Tamil Nadu became the first state in India to introduce a noon meal programme in primary schools.
In 1984 this scheme was introduced in Gujarat. From time to time the meal scheme was taken up by different states and later on it was taken up as a national scheme.

The government of India launched the National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (Commonly known as Mid-Day Meal Scheme) on August 15, 1995, to provide mid-day meals to the children studying at primary stage2.
In 2002, the Supreme Court directed the Government to provide cooked Mid-Day Meals (as opposed to providing dry rations) in all Government and Government-aided primary schools3. It was revised in September 2004 and in September 2006.

Objectives of Mid-Day Meal Scheme The objectives of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme is to address two of the pressing problems for the majority of children in India, viz. hunger and education by:

(i) Improving the nutritional status of children in classes I – VIII in Government, Local Body and Government aided schools, and Education Guarantee Scheme (EGS) and Alternative and Innovative Education (AIE) centres, National Child Labour Project (NCLP) Schools and Madarasa and Maqtabs supported under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA).

(ii) Encouraging poor children, belonging to disadvantaged sections, to attend school more regularly and help them concentrate on classroom activities.

(iii) Providing nutritional support to children of the elementary stage in drought-affected areas during summer vacation.

Coverage in Mid-Day Meal Scheme MDMS covered 7.18 crore primary school children and 3.36 crore upper primary school children in 2010–11. The coverage of children in the States of Bihar (43 per cent), UP (57 per cent) and Jharkhand (58 per cent) are below the national average of 72 per cent, whereas it is well above the national average in Chhattisgarh (83 per cent) and Odisha (82 per cent).

Based on the Annual Work Plan and Budget of the States/UTs for the year 2012-13, the district-wise performance of the MDMS in all the States/UTs has been analysed and the poor performing districts (144) have been identified for focused attention. Of the poor performing districts, 17 are in areas affected by the Left Wing Extremism (LWE); 11 in the North Eastern States (Tripura-3, Meghalaya-4, Assam-4); 17 in tribal districts, and 13 in the hilly areas (Uttarakhand-4, J&K-9).

Prescribed Nutritional Content for Mid-Day Meal To achieve the objectives of the Scheme, the guidelines prescribe the following nutritional content in the mid-day meal:

The absence of a proper plan resulted in higher fatalities in Bihar. The Ministry has suggested periodic testing of food at reputed or certified laboratories.

It has stressed the need for regular monitoring at the state and district level as well. It has asked that the district monitoring committee headed by the district magistrate, must include the local member of Parliament. These meetings must be held every quarter.As a form of an external check, the Ministry has asked that schools display the entitlements under the programme in a prominent manner, preferably painted on a school wall, to ensure that parents are aware of what their children should get as part of the mid-day meal1.

Long Paragraph on Mid Day Meal

The government of India launched the national programme of nutrition support to primary education on 15/ 8 /1995 initially this program was implemented as a mid-day meal scheme for the school children from standard 1st to 5th in 2408 blocks in the country.


*midday meal programme was introduced in 1925 in Madras corporation by the British administration for the poor children studying in primary schools.

* midday meal scheme was introduced in the union territories of pondicherry by the French administration in 1930 for the poor children studying in primary schools.

* In free India Tamil Nadu is a pioneer in introducing a midday meal scheme in 1962 when thiru k. KAMARAJ was the chief minister of Tamilnadu midday meal scheme was introduced throughout the state for children studying in primary school on all working days.

*In 1982 the popular chief minister puratchi thalaivar MG. RAMACHANDRAN upgraded the midday meal scheme in the state to a nutritious food scheme and expanded it for all days in a week this paid the way for good health and education for children.

*In Kerala a midday meal scheme was introduced in 1984 and gradually expanded to include more schools and grades.

* The scheme of providing free midday meals to the students of primary schools was implemented about the country after 2007 this scheme was revised as


Expanded to cover upper primary school students standard 6th to 8th also.

* At present nutritious meal is provided to more than 120 million children in more than 1 million schools –


*Under the scheme, all children studying in standard 6th – 8th are provided midday meal with 300 calories and 12 grams of protein.

*For students in middle school midday meal with 700 calories and 20 grams of proteins is provided.

*For this scheme the central government supply all states and union territories free rice or wheat at the rate of 100 grams per child (per school day.)

*The government of India also paste the cost of transporting grains from the nearest FCI warehouses to the primary school.

*In addition to this scheme provide assistance for meeting the cooking cost of rs 1/- per child per school day. * At present every student is provided with the nutritional meal containing 30 grams of dhal, 75 grams of rice or wheat and 7.5 grams of vegetables.

* NARENDRA MODI government included a new initiative called “Tithi-Bojan” in the midday meal scheme to encourage local community participation

*OBJECTIVE OF MIDDAY MEAL SCHEME:* To improve the nutritional status of children studying in class 1st to 8th in government local bodies and government-aided schools and you studying under the educational guarantee scheme and alternative and innovative centres.

* To encourage poor children from the disadvantaged sections of the society to attend School more regularly and help them concentrate on classroom activities.

* To make available nutritious food throughout the year including the summer vacation to children enrolled in primary schools in the drought-ridden areas and thereby reducing child mortality, mobility and malnutrition.

* To reduce the gender gap in education.

* To develop the feelings of brotherhood and positive Outlook among children belonging to different castes and religions by making them sit together and eat.

* To achieve the goal of universal primary education motivate children to learn further increase the enrollment of children in schools and by improving retention reduce dropout significantly.

* To help to combat all diseases including those resulting due to nutritional deficiencies.

* To develop the grasping power of children by improving the nutritional level.


* Children’s nutritional deficiencies removed and they get enough energy (calories) protein, iron, vitamins and other nutritions and their physical growth, as well as the overall health, get improved.

* Student attend school regularly due to their eagerness for getting midday meal number of children’s dropping out from the school has also done you considerably.

* Enrollment of children in schools to as increased to a great extent.

* The midday meal scheme is the largest school meal program in the world feeding over 120 million children studying in 1,265 million schools this scheme provides an opportunity for 2.6 million people to get employed as cooks and helpers this keyword has generated large scale employment.

* It has promoted the trend of private-public participation in carrying out projects.

* It helps the local economy to improve as used quantities of perishable commodities like pulses oil and vegetables are purchased from the local market.

* In midday meal scheme as a voluntary organisation also join with the central and state governments social responsibility increases.


Midday meal scheme fosters children the habit of sitting together and eat.

This kind of intermingling among children promotes unity among them as children together sit and eat the same food it promotes reporting among them resulting in the development of desirable social qualities like an adjustment.

Taking only necessary quantity of food, receiving their share of food standing in the queue getting food and carrying it to the students who are unable to stand in a queue.

Depositing waste food in a mark dustbin being conscious about personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness, moving closely with all students without any discrimination of caste.

Creed and religion all indirectly help to promote socialization in children those midday meal schemes can be considered as a process of promoting socialization in children.


The midday meal scheme implemented in 1962 in Tamilnadu by then Chief Minister honourable Thiru Kamaraj was later expanded in 1982 by the then Chief Minister honourable.

Thiru MG Ramachandran under the name of chief ministers nutritious meal scheme now under the chief ministers nutritional scheme along with providing known meal free textbooks and stationery are a pair of footwear and uniforms are also provided.

During honourable chief minister Jaya lalitha’s regime the quality of the nutritional meal was enhanced to contain boiled rice meal with vegetable sambar, 1 boiled egg,(1 banana for those who do not eat egg) germinated green gram or Bengal gram sundal and potato roast curry once in a week.

10 Lines on Mid Day Meal 

1) Mid Day Meal Scheme is a national programme launched by the Government of India on 15 August 1995.

2) The programme was launched to enhance the nutritional condition of school-going children.

3) It ensures that hot cooked food will be served to all the children of age 6-14 years studying in Government schools.

4) The meal served is free of cost and is served on school premises only.

5) Tamil Nadu was the first state to implement the mid-day meal scheme.

6) The food prepared in the mid-day meal scheme is according to the guidelines of the government.

7) British Administration first time initiated the mid-day meal scheme in the Madras corporation in 1925.

8) Mid Day meal scheme in India is known as the largest lunch programme for students in the world.

9) The scheme aims to provide nutrition and encourage students for coming to school.

10) The evaluation of the quality of food is done by the Food and Drugs Administration of the state.

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