Essay on Pollution 150 Words

Friends, In the age of science, where we have got some boon, we have got the same curse also and in addition to historical say or social change. It has a bad effect  on our younger generation. Just as  Chemical pollution was born in the womb of science, there are some such as pollution which has grown from the thinking of human beings.

Essay on Pollution in English


Essay on Pollution

Increasing of pollution is one of the biggest problems of the present time, which is increasing continuously in modern and technologically advanced societies. Due to pollution, the environment in which man lives is getting worse day by day.

You have to bear extreme heat somewhere and extreme cold elsewhere. Not only this, all the living beings are also facing various types of diseases. Nature and its environment, by its nature, is pure, clean and healthy for all living organisms, but if it gets polluted due to any reason, it causes many serious problems for all the living beings in the atmosphere.

As human civilization is developing, the quantity of pollution in the environment is increasing. The activities of man and his lifestyle are very responsible for increasing it.

Meaning of pollution

Pollution is a defect arising in the natural equilibrium due to the entry of pollution into the environment. Pollution means – contamination of air, water, soil, etc. with unwanted liquids, which have direct effects on organisms and other indirect effects from damage to ecosystems.

Types of Pollution

There are several types of pollution, such as 

  1. Air Pollution
  2. Water Pollution,
  3.  Land Pollution
  4. Sound Pollution
  5. Cultural and Daily Activities Pollution
  6. Political Pollution

1). Air Pollution 

Air pollution
Photo by Chris LeBoutillier on

Due to the harmful air pollution that affects the nature, our youth are getting more harm, and they are often away from home. And in the environment, the smoke of the existing factories keep on mixed in the air for twenty-four hours, poisonous smoke they take,This causes them to breathe. According to a television news has shown that when clothes are put on the roof for dry and when they bring clothes, black-black particles  get frozen in those clothes, and similarly particle goes into human lungs with breath. Our youth is the most tolerating this air pollution.

Man has not only polluted the water, but has also polluted the air by using its various activities and technical items. The quantity of all types of gases in the environment is fixed. There is no specific change in the quantity of these gases when there is equilibrium in nature, but if due to some reason the quantity of gases changes, then air pollution occurs. The effect of air pollution is visible immediately compared to other pollutants. If poisonous gas is dissolved in the air, it immediately shows its effect and takes the life of animals  nearby. Bhopal gas scandal is a direct example of this. Different means of transport have also evolved due to the development of various technologies.

On the one hand, while the new modes of transport make traffic smooth and easy, on the other hand they play an important role in polluting the environment. Petrol and diesel are used as fuel in the modes of transport used in the cities. Smoke resulting from the burning of petrol and diesel pollutes the atmosphere.

The era of industrialization is full of industries. Sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide gases are found in the atmosphere due to the smoke emanating from the chimneys of various small and large industries. These gases reach the earth with rainwater and make sulfuric acid, which is harmful to the environment and its organisms.

Foul-smelling gases from leather and soap-making industries pollute the environment. In industries like cement, lime, mineral, etc. excessive amount of dust flies and gets into the air, which pollutes the air. By breathing in the dust mixed air, people working and living there often get blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory disease, eye diseases and TB. As the chances of getting disease increases.

Because of  the huge increase in population, the place of living of human beings is getting smaller day by day, so man is constructing habitat for his living in deforestation. In cities, LPG and kerosene are used for cooking, which spread a type of foul air.

Most of the people use wood or coal for firewood, which emits excessive smoke and mixes in the air. Humans do deforestation for places and firewood. Deforestation is decreasing the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere and increasing the amount of carbon dioxide and polluting the air. Explosions, shelling, war, etc. are carried out by humans using various types of technical equipment.

Because of explosion, excessive amount of dust is added to the atmosphere and pollutes the air. Because of  the use of guns and excessive firing, the smell of gunpowder spreads in the atmosphere. In present humans use plastic items for their comfort and throw them in the event of a break or break. Cleaning workers often burn plastic with all types of waste, which causes foul smell in the atmosphere.

Several types of explosions are carried out and gases are tested in order to make new technological experiments. During this time many types of gas dissolve in the atmosphere and pollute it. The excessive emission of harmful gases leads to ‘acid rain’, which is fatal to humans as well as other living beings and agricultural activities.

Refrigerators and air conditioners used in office and home use produce chloro-fluorite carbon, which damages the ozone layer protecting our skin from ultraviolet rays emanating from the sun. Excess firecrackers also pollute the air on various festive occasions. The environment is highly affected by air pollution.

2). Water Pollution 

water pollution
Photo by Yogendra Singh on

Pollution by water, the contaminated water of kal-factories, together with the rivers and rivers, causes terrible pollution. If ever a fence comes, this polluted water spreads everywhere the place, and it dissolves the water, and this dissolved water dissolves altogether the sewers and produces many diseases. Which hurts our youth.

Due to the excessive population in cities, the trend of building flats is increasing, in order that three to 6 families can sleep in a flat easily. These flats require more water at less places and there’s increasing pressure on the underground water reserves. Deep water is being exploited while constructing deep boring.

Contaminated water, leftovers, chemical waste, etc., released from excessive construction of industries are dumped into the river through drains. The waste generated by the daily activities of the people living in the flats is dumped on the river which pollute the water of the rivers.

Settlements near the city do not have proper toilets, or even if it does not function properly, people often use the river or pond land or drains to defecate there. In the rain, all this dirt goes to the rivers or ponds.

Due to lack of proper waste disposal in the slums, people often dump the waste in the pond or river water. In addition to bathing and washing the water of ponds and rivers, it is also used for bathing animals, due to which the dirt of their body dissolves in water. Clothes are washed, garbage, feces and urine are poured, old clothes are put on the ashes of carcasses, rotten-knotted materials, not only that, sometimes bodies are dumped in rivers.

Humans have polluted the water of rivers, ponds and ground water. It also did not release ocean water to pollute. Tourists are visiting many places along the ocean , thanks to which many small and large settlements are settled along the ocean . The people live there by selling various types of materials to tourists.

There is no provision of toilets in those settlements, even if they are not functioning properly, due to which the people of the town defecate in the ocean water and the waste and waste of the house also flow into the ocean water. They pollute the water of the ocean. Due to the event of varied technologies, large ships move within the waters of the ocean, which carry the movement of passengers and therefore the materials from one place to a different.

Ships after their cleanliness often dump the dirt in the sea water. Sometimes a ship accidentally sinks, then the chemical substances, oil, etc. are found in the sea water and they affect the health of the animals living in it for a long time.

Some organisms die instantly thanks to water contamination and further pollute the water. Humans also fall ill by consuming aquatic organisms living in contaminated water. Developed countries often dump their country’s dirt and e-waste, due to which water is badly contaminated.

Initially, when technology was not developed, people used to live in harmony with nature and environment, but due to technological development and industrialization, there was a competition in modern man. In this competition, man can only see his selfishness.

He has forgotten that his existence on this earth is due to nature and environment. It is also a serious explanation for environmental pollution. Naturally, water can be polluted only by the death of organisms and bathing of animals, but man uses water not only for his selfishness to bathe and drink, but also the waste of household, the waste of industries Also puts.

Farmers use differing types of chemical fertilizers within the fields, in order that their crop is sweet , there are not any insects within the crop, so pesticides also are sprayed. All these chemical elements along with the rain water go into the ponds and river-drains and pollute the water there.

Industries simply dump their waste directly into rivers and streams, also as their smoke isn’t properly drained, causing the oily fraction of smoke to accumulate as a black layer above the surrounding accumulated water reserves. Lives and pollutes the water.

3). Land Pollution

Land provides the basis for all living organisms. It is also not untouched by pollution. Due to population growth, man’s living space is getting reduced, due to which he is fulfilling his need by deforestation. Continuous deforestation isn’t only increasing the quantity of CO2 within the atmosphere and decreasing the quantity of oxygen, but also deteriorating the balance of living organisms.

Trees protect the highest layer of the land from blowing through the wind and flowing within the water and therefore the land remains fertile. Continuous cutting of trees is increasing the probabilities of the land becoming barren and desert. In this way deforestation deteriorates the balance of nature. Changes within the balance of nature are the main explanation for environmental pollution. Demand for grain has also increased due to population growth.

Farmers use chemical fertilizers for excessive crop production and also spray pesticides to protect the crop from insects, which pollutes the land. Ground water is being heavily exploited and garbage is being scattered here and there. Excessive exploitation of the minerals present in the land apart from ground water creates the problem of landslides.

Plastic does not decay as waste. The plant within the place where it’s in excessive quantity isn’t ready to grow properly, which contaminates the land. In the technological age, modern humans have invented many new weapons, so that the enemy can be easily destroyed. Due to the use of these weapons in war, many people are killed in the battlefield, as well as in the surrounding areas, which also pollute the land..

4). Noise Pollution

Humans like to live in a quiet environment, but nowadays disturbed by the noise of vehicles, noise of factories, traffic noise, noise of motor vehicles, loudspeakers, has created stress problem for our youth.

Noise pollution wasn’t a significant problem within the early stage of the event of human civilization, but as human civilization developed and have become equipped with modern equipment, the matter of noise pollution has become acute and severe. Presently, this pollution plays a crucial role in making human life stressful. The loud voice not only affects our hearing, but it is also the cause of blood pressure, heart disease, headache, insomnia and mental illnesses.

In the process of industrial development, a wide variety of industries have been established in every corner of the country. The noise emanating from various devices operating in these industries is polluted. Different routes, be it waterways, airways or land routes, all produce loud sound. The horrific roaring of airplanes, rockets and helicopters in the airways helps in increasing noise pollution.

The noise of ships plying on the waterways and the sound of the engines of vehicles plying on the ground along with their horns are the main causes of noise pollution. Sound is transmitted in a loud voice by various means of entertainment and mass communication. Loudspeakers address the gathering by speaking in the meeting and the processions and information is sent. Songs are played aloud on various festive occasions.

Loudspeakers also are used for PR campaigns and knowledge is shipped to the general public . Advertisers also sometimes promote their products in a loud voice. In order to have deep boring done, there is excessive noise in the order of running the crusher machine, digging with dozer. The excessive noise of musical instruments pollutes the sound on the occasion of marriage, marriage or religious ritual. In addition they generate unnecessary uncomfortable and unusable sound pollution .

This natural pollution which has been polluting our environment is proving to be very harmful for people of all ages and especially for the youth.

5). Cultural And Daily Activities Pollution 

Today’s generation of cultural ill effects is followed by Andhadhun and considers it a matter of pride. Film pollution, social media networking is also a problem faced by the youth. That which is keeping them away from the heritage of our culture, the entertainment and useless social media, and the excessive use of networking is driving the young generation on the wrong path. And getting faraway from her family duties and her family, which is proving very harmful. From all this, the youths rarely get knowledge and vice versa. While thinking about our future generation, our leader and government will have to do something to save the future of the coming generation by curbing such entertainment so that our younger generation does not forget their culture.

Due to population growth, man is deforested day by day, occupying land for farming and home. Chemical fertilizers are being used to supply food, which is polluting not only land but also water. Sound and air are polluted due to the use of various new means of transport.

If we consider, the main reason of increase in pollution is the unwanted activities of human beings, which are exploiting the natural resources indiscriminately, making this earth a pile of garbage and waste. Water, air and land are polluted by throwing garbage here and there, which are harmful to the health of the entire world.

6). Political Pollution

Our leaders, and politicians take out demonstrations and training every day. Which is political pollution. Today’s young generation has become an attractive part of these movements under the garb of demonstration and rail. Some selfish leaders or politicians of our country use these young generation for their selfishness by giving them greed for employment or some money to get their work done. Coming to all or any this, our younger generation becomes a neighborhood of those demonstrations and rallies. And A. Political pollution may be a big problem for our younger generation.


To avoid various sorts of pollution, more and more trees should be planted, the quantity of greenery is high. There should be dense trees along the roads. Populated areas should be open, airy, covered with greenery. Kal-factories should be kept faraway from the population and consider ways to destroy polluted sewage from them. Stop Polluted Fuels to Avoid Pollution! First of all stop using Four Wheeler!

Thus, all kinds of pollution may be a problem for the youth. Whether it’s physical or mental pollution, pollution occurs. Water, air, noise, etc. come in all kinds of pollution, there’s just one aim to avoid all of them , we plant trees and place strict laws, for fear of which these pollution can be curbed so that our physical health is good. And for mental health, we have to change our thoughts. Right thought and right thinking always keep a healthy health. Therefore, both physically and mentally, the youth will have to get rid of this problem by staying healthy.thinking always keep a healthy health. Therefore, both physically and mentally, the youth will have to get rid of this problem by staying healthy.

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