10 lines on daily routine During lockdown

10 Lines on daily routine During lockdown – This article will help the students who are looking for information about daily routine During lockdown. This 10 Lines is very simple and easy to remember.

10 lines on daily routine During lockdown
  1. During the lockdown, I wake up at 8 o’clock daily.
  2. After brushing my teeth, I spent some time doing yoga.
  3. Then I take a bath and eat my breakfast.
  4. After breakfast I attend my online classes from 9:30 am.
  5. Then I help my mother in the kitchen with making a variety of yummy dishes.
  6. After finishing my lunch I spend some time watching TV.
  7. After that, I play many indoor games with my siblings.
  8. In the evening I water plants in our garden.
  9. At night, I study for almost three hours.
  10. Then I eat my dinner at 9:00p.m. and go to bed around 10:00 pm That’s all about my lockdown daily routine.

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Few Lines on My daily routine

  1. My name is ____
  2. I get up early in the morning. 
  3. I brush y teeth and wash my hands and face.
  4. After that, I go to the nearest park with my father and do some exercises. 
  5. Then I freshen up and have my breakfat.
  6. I go to school at 9o’clock and I eat my lunch in the school break time.
  7. I get back to home and take rest.
  8. In the evening, I play with my friends.
  9. I study almost three hours and then I eat my dinner at 09:00PM.
  10. Berfore going to bed, I watch T.V for 30 minutes. 

Thank you soo much for reading if you like this blog then don’t forget to comment and share this information with your friends and family, god bless you all.

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