10 Lines on Lohri Festival

Ten Lines about Lohri Festival – This article will help the students who are looking for information about Lohri Festival in English. This essay is very simple and easy to remember.

10 Lines on Lohri Festival
  1. Lohri falls in the month of January every year on the 13th signifying the end of the winter season and also as a mark when the sun changes its direction.
  2. The Day after Lohri is seen to be the Financial New Year.
  3. The New financial year as believed by them is known as ‘Maghi’.
  4. People eat Gur-Rewari, gajjak, Sarson da saag, and Makke Di roti on this auspicious day.
  5. One other important food is Radish, which is harvested between October and January.
  6. Women go around the bonfires singing ‘ Sunder Mundriye’.
  7. It is a tribute to the Robin-hood of Punjab, Dulla Bhatti.
  8. He rescued the females from the terror being forced to be sold in slave markets, and also made them marry into a suitable household.
  9. Lohri is meant to be the new financial year and the meaning of life to all the people.
  10. In various places in Punjab young age people collect items like logs for a bonfire, grains from localities a week in advance for the celebration. In the evening of the Lohri, people gather around a bonfire and throw the harvested seeds, grains into the fire and chant “aadar aye dilather jaye” which means peace and prosperity to all.

Few Lines on Lohri Festival


  1. Lohri also signifies the harvesting season in Punjab which people celebrate by lighting bonfire and singing and dancing around it.
  2. On this day people sing folk songs and dance to music produce by the dhol.
  3. On this day, the traditional food that is served is Sarson da Saag, Makke di Roti, and rau di Kheer.
  4. People dress up in new clothes and dance and make merry around the bonfires.
  5. They also have a penchant for eating gur-rewri, peanuts, and popcorns.
  6. First Lohri is celebrated in a grandly of newly married couples as well as newborn babies.
  7. Fairs are organized at various places on the occasion of Lohri in Punjab and Haryana.
  8. Various cultural activities are organized in schools and colleges.
  9. Pongal, Bihu, Bhogi are the festivals celebrated in other parts of India which coincide with Lohiri.
  10. People eat til and rorhi on the auspicious occasion of Lohri. It is believed that words til and rorhi merged to become tilorhi which further got shortened to lohri.


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FAQ’s on Lohri Festival

What is the day after Lohri is known as and why?

The day after Lohri is known as ‘Maghi’ and that day denote the starting of a new financial year for the farmers of Punjab.

Which is the other food that is important other than Sugarcane in Lohri?

The other food that is important in Lohri is the radishes that are harvested between October and January.

What is the most common song sung during Lohri?

The most common song sung during Lohri is ‘Sunder Mundriye’ as a tribute to the robin-hood of Punjab.

What is the date of Lohri according to the Indian calendar?

The Indian calendar denotes the date of Lohri in ‘Paush’ month, also known as Makara Sankranti in other parts of the country.

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10 Lines on Lohri Festival