10 lines on My Grandfather

10 Lines on My Grandfather – This article will help the students who are looking for information about My Grandfather. This 10 Lines is very simple and easy to remember.

10 lines on My Grandfather
  1. My grandfather’s name is Prem singh.
  2. He is 61 years old.
  3. He is the head of our family.
  4. Everyone in the family loves, obeys and respects him.
  5. He is an avid reader. He loves to read newspapers, novels, magazines, articles, etc.
  6. I love spending time with my grandfather.
  7. He teaches me good manners and loves me a lot.
  8. He takes me to the nearby park every evening.
  9. We play hide-and-seek, cricket and snakes-and-ladder together.
  10. He is an inspiration to me. When I grow up, I want to be just like him.

Few Lines on GrandFather

  1. My grand father is ideal for me.
  2. His name is Prakash sahoo.
  3. He is a retired government employee.
  4. He is about 70 years old.
  5. He is the head of our family.
  6. He likes to wear dhoti and punjabi.
  7. He is old, bald and toothless.
  8. He gives us advice in our day to day work.
  9. He spends most of his times in reading newspapers.
  10. He goes out for morning walk with some of his friends.
  11. Sometimes he helps me in my studies.
  12. He is a kind, honest and gentle person.
  13. He reads holy books in the evening. He helps the poor people.
  14. I love my grand father very much.
  15. He loves me too.
  16. I respect him.

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