20 Lines on Myself

Twenty Lines on Myself – This article will help the students who are looking for information about Myself in English. This essay is very simple and easy to remember.

10 Lines on Myself
  1. My name is Shivam Singh, and I am 8 years old.
  2. I study in SAS School in the fifth standard.
  3. My father’s name is Mr. Jinit Singh and mother’s name is Mrs. Usha singh.
  4. I have one younger sister who studies in the first standard in the same school.
  5. I like watching cartoons, and my favourite cartoon character is Shinchan.
  6. I also like playing outdoor games, and I love to play cricket with my friends.
  7. I am a very sincere and obedient boy and follow all the instructions from my parents and teachers.
  8. I regularly complete my homework and never get let to school.
  9. I always pay respect to my elders and strictly follow their advice.
  10. I always try to help my mother and father by keeping all the toys at the right place after playing with them.

10 Lines on Myself for Students and Children in English

  1. My name is Anshul, and I am one of the bright students of class sixth studying at ABC International School.
  2. I am the class monitor of sixth standard and favorite to all my teachers.
  3. My interest lies more in singing and dancing. I love to play Basketball with my classmates and friends.
  4. I am the winner of last year’s Inter-school Basketball Championship.
  5. I’m not only interested in cultural activities but also a sincere student in academics.
  6. My other hobbies are watching movies, traveling, and listening to music.
  7. My family consists of my mother, my father, my younger brother, and my grandparents.
  8. I am more close to my dad and my grandparents. I often share everything with my grandparents.
  9. I am very much fond of eating. My mother cooks specially for me. My favorite dishes are pastries, cakes, chocolates, and all sweets
  10. I like to spend the most time with my family. It is because I enjoy the company with them. Also, I learn respect, ethics, and moral values from them.

My Self in English 20 lines for class 1

  1. My name is Raja and I am 6 years old.
  2. I live with my parents and elder brother in UP, near the Varanasi.
  3. My father is a businessman and works hard to sustain the family.
  4. My mother looks after the house and need of the family members.
  5. My house has a small lawn of its own, which has a variety of flowers.
  6. During vacations, we visit our grandparents, who stay in our ancestral village.
  7. I morning I don’t face much traffic while on returning the traffic gets a little busy.
  8. When home I eat my lunch, rest for a while and start my studies.
  9. We always have dinner together when my father returns from his office.
  10. My hobbies are playing cricket and reading books.

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Teachers in school, are often asked to Children write 20 lines about Myself or 20 Lines on Myself in English. We help the students to do their homework in more effective way. If you liked this article, then please comment below and tell us how you liked it. We use your comments to further improve our service. 

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